Bobby natalia

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What Makes America So Special!


Sorry this was posted a day late:)

On July 4th 1776 the 13 colonies claimed their independence from Great Britain which lend to the form of the United States of America.

I don’t take it lightly that I was born and raised in this country. I will always take it as a blessing! 

I’m not saying America is perfect or that it doesn’t have problems but just like every single nation in the world has problems. I strongly believe we shouldn’t be taking it lightly the freedoms that we get to experience every single day living in this country. 

More people give up everything they have to come here than any other place on earth. Today they are more than 40 million people living in the US that weren’t born here. 

People want to live in freedom and experience the American dream. 

America is a country of E PLURIBUS UNUM which is Latin for out of many, one which is referred to the 13 colonies becoming one nation but overtime became one nation with many different backgrounds and beliefs. People who immigrant to the US simulate faster than other other country.

America gives people the liberty to become anything they want but ending up equal is not one of them which is want makes America so great.

Which is why you have the liberty to work your butt off to become the CEO or if you want to continue working at the diner you can do so. None or better than the other it’s whatever you choose to do with your life.

Lastly America doesn’t have a nation wide religion but it was founded on God as the source of moral values. It is written in the deceleration of independence.