Bobby natalia

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Why I Support Capitalism & Why You Should Too

Remember when you had a fun time waiting in line at the DMV. Oh yeah.... that NEVER happened! ⁣

I do remember taking these photos on my iPhone being fun though! ⁣


Definition: “Capitalism is an economic and social system based on the fact that the means of production must be privately owned” ⁣

Meaning everything is not run by the government.⁣

So many people are advocating for socialism in America today and we need to pause and do our research on the many words that have become so trendy.⁣

Apple store: capitalism ⁣

Netflix: capitalism ⁣

Amazon: capitalism ⁣

Target and Walmart: capitalism ⁣

Google: capitalism ⁣

Your favorite local coffee shop or boutique: capitalism ⁣⁣

The DMV: government ⁣

Airport security: government ⁣

Calling or dealing with any government service usually sucks. 

Capitalism allows you to rise up from your circumstances no matter what you are facing and make a better life for yourself. The choices you make very much affect the outcomes of your life. ⁣

⁣The number of people living in extreme poverty worldwide declined by 80% because of capitalism from 1970 to 2006.⁣

I do not support socialism because it has literally destroyed countries and people’s lively hoods but also as a Christian it is not biblical in anyway. ⁣

Socialism makes everyone equally poor and replaces God with government. Socialism is the government taking over everything from trade to free speech. ⁣

HIGHLY recommend listening to the podcast called Just Thinking Podcast and the episode called “A Biblical Theology of the Role of Government” 

Lastly entrepreneurship does not work in a socialism government. I can have a blog/website because of what of capitalism allows you to do and I’m thankful for it.