Bobby natalia

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Behind the scenes of Bobby natalia!

I shipped 3 of my t-shirts today to California which is wild to me cause I never been there and it’s the farthest my product has been so far! All the glory to God!

I wanted to share about my business to those who are new to following me + some facts to those who may not know!

I launched my online shop Bobby natalia October 19th 2020!

How the name came about?

Ever since I was a little kid my dad gave me the nickname little Bob. From there I always liked the name Bobby so when I was trying to come up with a name Bobby Natalie never sounded right. I’m Polish🇵🇱 and my name in Polish is Natalia so that’s how Bobby natalia came into existence! 

In high school my YouTube channel was called Bobby natalia. Now my website is called that and now my business.

Who does what? 

I do all marketing and social media and website work etc all of the business side of things. 

My sister does all the design work! She is a graphic designer so she created the logo and the design of our first shirt and will for all the new shirts. Also the tags we attach on the shirt etc.

We will be launching a collection of t-shirts! So look out for that!

I hope and pray that Bobby natalia can provide fashionable, cute clothing (t-shirts for now) that is 100% USA made and 100% ethical for women that have a conservative and faith mindset.🇺🇸💖