It's While I'm Here On Earth Or Until Jesus Returns That...


What’s wrong with celebrating The United States of America? 

What’s wrong with showing patriotism for your country?

The blessings of this country and freedoms we experience is something we should thank the Lord for each and every day!

I get chills when I see huge American flags waving in the air! 

This doesn’t mean I believe America is perfect or that it doesn’t have problems.

This doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate other countries and other cultures. 

It’s not that I worship this country or the president. 

I put my faith, hope and trust in God and in Him alone.

No matter what happens to this country, I know God is sovereign. The end goal is not America,  it’s eternity with the Father.

It’s while I’m here on earth or until Jesus returns that.

I have traveled to other countries and have meet real life families, I was shocked to see the floor of their house being actual dirt. While knowing I got to go back home to air conditioning, heat and carpeted floors. 

It’s girls and boys who have experienced the disgusting atrocities of human trafficking who are actually being oppressed by their abusers. But have no voice to speak out against it. Not people who freely complain about their first world problems and say they are oppressed in America.

It’s professional athletes who kneel during the national anthem, but its that very freedoms that other men and women who fought and died for that allows them to kneel without being persecuted. 

It’s the multi-billion dollar companies saying how evil capitalism is, but they wouldn’t even be where they are today if it wasn’t for what capitalism has allowed them to do. 

It’s the people who protest defund the police, but ask for police protection. Have they ever actually had a conversation with a police officer? 

It’s on September 11th, 2020 Americans simply wanting to remember the horrible tragedy that took place on September 11th, 2001 where an Islamic terrorists took nearly 3,000 livelihoods. But on social media, that day, the trending hashtag on twitter in the United States was all buildings matter. If you used that hashtag you are choosing to be ignorant. 

I ask you to PLEASE WAKE UP! Lord I ask you would grant this country mercy and your grace that we do not deserve and that you would reveal your truth to us and we would repent and walk in obedience to you!