Bobby natalia

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Who Is Going To Control Your Mind?

“Somebody is going to control your mind. Who is it going to be? Is it going to be the advertiser? Is it going to be the public school? Is it going to be the media or is it going to be God?” - A.W Tozer 

I believe the mainstream media is one of the biggest issues in our country.

They purposely lie or they show a 20 second clip out of an entire video and twist it to make it sound like it’s real. 

I know people want to show compassion, but you are NOT loving when you don’t have the truth about the entire situation. 

You are just trying to appease people so you can fit in or so you won’t offend anyone which is not showing love.

Getting behind movements because everyone on the face on the earth is getting behind them doesn’t make you look good, it just makes you look dumb and or you are truly believing lies which is really sad. 

Go to the website and look at the mission to really see if you agree with what they believe. Go to the direct source, to find out what they said in its entirety. 

Wait for the full report to come out before you jump on social media to post about it.

Look at statistics and go a little deeper in your research.

I’m speaking to myself as well when saying this.

Heck there are so many amazing accounts and publications on here where they solely create content to bring you understanding of what’s going on or even YouTube videos and podcasts. 

As well as citizen journalists where people are on the grounds at specific locations telling you what is happening.

Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and guidance. 

Lastly THINK FOR YOURSELF! It’s truly one of the most freeing things you can do for yourself.